Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hats off to the New Year!

So we begin a new year and with that comes many resolutions. Mine is to NOT make one and then feel bad about letting it slide. This year I have a few goals.
The first is to institute a chore chart system for ALL of the kids in order to track who does what and who gets paid what. I spoke with DH about the fact that it seems the kids are always in need of money for this or that. If they had set chores with allowance then we can lay the expenses back on them. By doing this we control how much money they get and they learn the valuable lesson of budgeting! I think in the long run we will actually save money.
The list of chores I believe they are capable of doing is a simple one:
1. Put away clothes.
2. Wipe down bathroom sink.
3. Dust a selected area.
4. Unload the dishwasher.
5. Swiff the kitchen floor.
6. Wet swiff the bathroom floor.
7. Collect garbage from all bathrooms.
8. Vacuum a specified area.
I don't think these are unreasonable or particularly hard to do so we shall see who gets what done. Obviously there will be limits to what the smaller kids can do but they give every job they get their best efforts!
On a personal level I need to do a few simple things.
1. Drink more water.
2. Walk a certain number of times per week for a specified number of minute(will increase over time)
3. Eat fruit/veg daily(more)
4. Cut down on caffeine and bad carbs
5. Cut back gluten

BABY STEPS is my motto for this year. I have learned that jumping in too fast only lasts for maybe a month. I hate exercise and that will never change!