Friday, May 4, 2012

Frogs, frogs, and more frogs!~

We have frogs! Through some trial and error we have managed to get 3 of the 16 tadpoles to frogdom. It was a lesson in patience, especially for me. It requires daily water cleaning, boiling and freezing lettuce, and careful observation to catch them at the right time so they don't drown. Our first casualty was the one tadpole that appeared to be crazy and was swimming in circles non stop. Then we had the 3 that went belly up due to water conditions-sigh. Then we had the poor little guy who converted to lungs and didn't get up onto the rocks. He became a meal for his family-YUCK!Here is what they look like when they first get front legs. It is an odd thing to watch. It seems like the legs develop under the skin and kind of pop out, but not both at the same time. They spend a few hours as 3 legged frogpoles. We did realize that once the tail starts to wrinkle and get thin that it will be a matter of hours. That prompted us to put them in a holding tank where we also realized that they are both gill/lung at that point! We then move them into a more permanent tank with a little pond and less water around the edges. Here is our first froggie who is about the size of my pinkie finger nail! I bought some food and we are hoping they will begin eating soon(we now have 3 frogs complete).

Owls in the family....

No we did not add owls to our already crazy house, but we are reading a book by that name. I added the link to it over there on the right in my Amazon slideshow. Anyway, I decided there would be not better time to dissect owl pellets than now! They look really gross when they are unwrapped but they are quite light and really just a mass of dried fur and bone. We used a wooden stick and tweezers to pull them apart slowly and a chart to try and see what we were getting. That kit is also linked over there on the right.Big Mac found a skull and it was mostly intact, which was cool. Even Wildman got in on it with a careful hand!
Nature seemed to be on our side today as Chickie walked out the door and stumbled upon a bird egg sitting in the grass. Since it was cracked and obviously liquid in the middle we cracked it open to take a look.