Sunday, November 27, 2011


When I would hear nature study I would cringe. I mean how do you measure and evaluate such an animal? You don't and that is the beauty of it. You look, listen, enjoy, and just revel. We took a hike through a local park and the things the kids notice now is just, well, a homeschool thing. Here is some of what we saw.
It appears to be an egg sack we think? Cool to say the least. A great variety of fungi and stuff went well with our recent discussions.

Okay so maybe that cute thing holding the leaf was not found out in the woods....but an awesome example of nature anyway! Much to Chickie's dismay, these were not just seeds that she touched, but fox scat. The big eeeewww for the day but educational to say the least. We also encountered a frog, lots of water spots, geese flying overhead in the classic V formation, and showers of falling leaves. Wonderful time spent in the woods!